Allen tip 1,35 BIG TIP
Ref: SP141017
Hardened steel - 1.35 mm hex bit x 2.3 mm diameter - for M2.5 allen bolt screws - bag with 1 unit

All have experienced that the tip commonly used in the wheel screw "X" "dance" on the wheel screw "Z" and when you want to use it, the tip rounding edges because it is not perfectly adjust.
For this reason, Sloting Plus provides a simple idea to solve the problem with a new interchangeable tip we have called BIG TIP. This new measure will be used in all Allen screw M2 where the tip of 1.3 mm does not fit precisely and are loose-fitting.
With this new measure, when you detects that the tip "dances" on the Allen screw used the "big" tip to avoid damaging to the "small" tip (rounding their edges). Thus we get extend the life of our tool.